Prayer Ministry
As we all know, all prayer is powerful and shows our concern for others by praying to God for their needs and ours as well, etc.
The purpose of this ministry is to proclaim Scripture:
1. In the manner that the author, who was divinely inspired, had meant it to be read
2. In a manner that can be easily heard and understood by the participating Congregation
3. With the reverence appropriate to the Word of God and the Liturgy in which it is being presented.
Ministers of the Eucharist
Participants in this ministry must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and participated in Diocesan training and certification. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve at Mass and also visit those in nursing homes and the homebound.
The greeter is often the first person whom the worshiping community sees when they enter the church. Representing the pastor it is the greeter who becomes the visible representation of Christ’s own welcoming of His people.
Altar Servers
The goal of our Altar Server program is twofold:
1. To assist the priest during the Mass
2. To foster young boys and girls to become involved with the life of the church
Any boy or girl in Grade 3 or above, who may have an interest, may submit their name and telephone number to Fr. René.